A Nested {M}atrosov Theorem for Hybrid Systems

TitleA Nested {M}atrosov Theorem for Hybrid Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsSanfelice R.G, Teel A.R
Conference NameProc. 27th American Control Conference
Keywordshybrid systems
AbstractWe present a sufficient condition for uniform global asymptotic stability of compact sets for hybrid systems. Uniform global asymptotic stability (UGAS – in the sense that bounds on the solutions and on the convergence time depend only on the distance to the compact set of interest) are introduced for a large class of hybrid systems which are given by a flow map, flow set, jump map, and jump set. We show that uniform global stability of a compact set plus the existence of Lyapunov-like functions and continuous functions satisfying a nested condition on the flow and jump sets imply uniform global asymptotic stability of the compact set. The required nested condition for hybrid systems turns out to be a combination of the conditions in nested Matrosov theorems for time-varying continuous-time and discrete-time available in the literature. Our result also show that Matrosov’s theorem are a reasonable alternative to LaSalle’s invariance principle for time-invariant systems when additional functions with certain decreasing properties are available. We illustrate the application of our main result in several examples, including the so-called bouncing ball system.