On the continuity of asymptotically stable compact sets for simulations of hybrid systems

TitleOn the continuity of asymptotically stable compact sets for simulations of hybrid systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsSanfelice R.G, Teel A.R
Conference NameProc. 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
AbstractWe propose a hybrid model for simulations of hybrid systems and we establish conditions on its data so that the asymptotically stable sets observed in simulations are continuous. The most important components of the hybrid model for simulations are a discrete integration scheme for the computation of the flows and an approximated jump mapping for the computation of the jumps. Our main result is built on the facts that, on compact hybrid time domains, every simulation to a hybrid system is arbitrarily close (in the graphical sense) to some solution to the actual hybrid system, and that asymptotically stable compact sets of hybrid systems are semiglobally practically asymptotically stable compact sets for the hybrid model for simulations. We present these results and illustrate them in simulations of the bouncing ball system.