Nonlinear Observer Design with an Appropriate {R}iemannian Metric

TitleNonlinear Observer Design with an Appropriate {R}iemannian Metric
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsSanfelice R.G, Praly L.
Conference NameProc. 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference
AbstractAn observer whose state lives in the same space as the one of the given system and which guarantees a vanishing estimation error exhibits necessarily a symmetric matrix field which is related to the local observability information. A direct construction of this matrix field is possible by solving off-line ordinary differential equations. Using this symmetric matrix field as a Riemannian metric, we prove that geodesic convexity of the level sets of the output function is sufficient to allow the construction of an observer that contracts the geodesic distance between the estimated state and the system’s state, globally in the estimated state and semi-globally in the estimation error.