Safe by Design: Manipulation Strategies for Soft, Assistive and Medical Robots

Safe by Design: Manipulation Strategies for Soft, Assistive and Medical Robots

Speaker Name: 
Michael Wehner
Speaker Title: 
Speaker Organization: 
Start Time: 
Thursday, February 23, 2017 - 11:00am
End Time: 
Thursday, February 23, 2017 - 12:00pm
Ricardo Sanfelice



In recent years, the nascent field of soft robotics has emerged as an exciting area of research that stands to revolutionize our interaction with machines. Soft robots possess many attributes that are difficult, if not impossible, to achieve with conventional robots composed of rigid materials. Yet, despite recent advances, soft robots are require complete re-thinking of control and contain many rigid components, thus they remain either tethered to remote hardware, or they are soft-rigid hybrid systems. Recent work has explored possible soft analogs for these standard rigid components. While new challenges arise from the incorporation of these new components, new possibilities arise as well. Elimination of rigid components allows the shrinking of length scales and development of new form factors impossible with traditional motors, batteries, and electronic controllers. We look at the use of a novel soft controller, alternate fuel source, and soft actuator and explore possible form factors and applications. These components are brought together via a design and rapid fabrication approach, which lays the foundation for a new class of completely soft, autonomous robots.


Michael Wehner received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley, where his research focused on human machine interaction and the development of an exoskeleton system to reduce back forces during lifting. In 2011, Michael returned to academia as a post-doctoral fellow in the Harvard Microrobotics lab with Robert Wood. In this group, he explored soft alternatives to conventional rigid orthotics for disabled children, and developed the first engineered soft exosuit. Working with the Jennifer Lewis and George Whitesides labs, he also developed Octobot, the first entirely soft untethered robot, replacing rigid battery, pump, and controller with monopropellant fluid power and microfluidic soft logic. Michael Wehner has also worked extensively in industry in various engineering, consultant, and management roles in the semiconductor capital equipment, medical device, and consumer goods fields.
