CPSRC Seminar Series: What is System Identification and How Does it Relate to Estimation of System Parameters?

CPSRC Seminar Series: What is System Identification and How Does it Relate to Estimation of System Parameters?

Speaker Name: 
Donald Wiberg
Speaker Title: 
Professor Emeritus
Speaker Organization: 
Start Time: 
Thursday, April 12, 2018 - 3:30pm
End Time: 
Thursday, April 12, 2018 - 5:00pm
E2 - Room 599
Prof. Ricardo Sanfelice



Driving an automobile involves identifying processes perceived by the driver. This presently hot topic is one of the many applications of system identification. But the mathematical ideas seem to have started with ancient astronomers predicting the seasons and even eclipses. Then mathematicians and physicists got into the act. Now even engineers are using system identification as a tool, with estimation of parameters as part of the tool.


Since 2000, Don Wiberg has been teaching and researching at UCSC in both the Dept. of Electrical and Dept. of Computer Engineering, and was a researcher in the Center for Adaptive Optics here from 2001-2011. Don is a Life Fellow of IEEE. He retired as Professor of Engineering and Applied Science in the Electrical Engineering Department at UCLA in 1994, after 29 years there, where he was also Professor of Anesthesiology. In 1995 he served as Sen. Tom Harkin’s (Dem. IA) Legislative Assistant in Defense Appropriations, Energy, Environment, Arms Control, and Veteran’s Affairs as IEEE Congressional Fellow. He was a Fulbright Senior Fellow in Denmark in 1976-7 and in Norway in 1983-4, and he visited at DFVLR, Munich, 1969-70, U. Newcastle, Aus., 1989-90, U. Maryland, 1993-94, and Ajou U., Suwan, South Korea, 2006-07.

Watch the seminar on our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/LBVkAHeRrcw
