UCSC Slugbotics: Introducing students to hands-on robotics engineering

UCSC Slugbotics: Introducing students to hands-on robotics engineering

Speaker Name: 
Speaker Title: 
Robotics Club
Speaker Organization: 
Start Time: 
Thursday, June 2, 2022 - 2:00pm
End Time: 
Thursday, June 2, 2022 - 3:00pm
Ricardo Sanfelice



This talk will introduce Slugbotics, a student organization at UC Santa Cruz focused on introducing students to hands-on robotics engineering. Student members will provide an introduction to the origin and goals of the team, as well as provide hands-on demos of some of their various projects, including their ROV, combat robotics, and F1Tenth robot models. Members will discuss their design choices, competition outcomes, and future plans, as well as their onboarding system and the student-taught CRSN-151C courses. 



Slugbotics is a student organization at UC Santa Cruz focused on introducing students to hands-on robotics engineering, founded in 2017. Our original project is a yearly ROV bulid designed to perform various tasks in the MATE competition including object deployment and manipulation, water quality sensing, and autonomous analysis. Since then, we have continued to grow and learn, tackling new projects, and introducing others to the field of robotics.

Our current list of projects includes the MATE ROV, an autonomous tenth scale race car under Formula One Tenth, our 3lb and 15lb combat robots, and a collaborative autonomous drone research project with UC Merced. spacer
